Wednesday, July 16, 2008


We are hosting a cocktail reception after the Maine Bar Examination on Wednesday, July 30, from 3:30-5 at Local 188 in Portland ( Local 188 is located at 685 Congress St. near Longfellow Square. Come commiserate with the next batch of Maine lawyers! For directions or questions, email Frank Bishop at

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Homers by NLS Officers

The Androscoggin County Bar Association held its third annual summer softball game and picnic (this year, a lobster bake) at The Great Outdoors in Turner. This year, two NLS officers not only played in the game, but played well. Reportedly, both NLS Chair-Elect Shane Wright and NLS Chair Scott Quigley managed to hit home runs in the game (the Chair does not really remember the Chair-Elect's home run). The fact that both teams were short an outfielder should be ignored. The lobster, clams and other fixings were, of course, excellent, and those present with their families had a great time in the game, on the beach and on the lake. Rumor is that there are some embarrassing pictures out there somewhere--they shall not be posted.

The annual event came about, three years ago, as part of a joint effort between the governing board of the NLS and the Androscoggin County Bar Association. It was a revival of a tradition of games in Androscoggin County between "new" lawyers and "more experienced?" ones. Members of the NLS should take note that, for next year, a few more "ringers" might be helpful.