Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Type or Write the Maine Bar Exam?

This just in from an anonymous blawgger:

"Thank you for the useful link [to the Maine Bar Review Podcasts on the Maine Law Website]. I am going to take the ME Bar Exam this summer and was curious if there was a strong preference for typing over writing? I recently took the MA Bar Exam where everyone had to write the essays. Since I was successful, I thought I might write the essays for the Maine Exam but was wondering if this would be a great disadvantage. Also if one chooses to write the exam, are they placed in a separate room than the typers?

Thank you in advance for your help."

Comment to this post and let him/her know about your recent experience, or thoughts on this. . .

Thursday, May 22, 2008

CLE sale at the MSBA

The Maine State Bar Association just announced a 50% off sale on continuing legal education products if you pay for them by Monday, June 2nd. Even though MSBA Practice Series Publications and Title Standards are not included in the sale, a lot of people are trying to clear out their CLEs by August and if you're strapped for cash it is good to consider taking advantage of the discount. . .

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Poll 2: As "Faux" Lawyers Go, You Say Denny Crane is Tops

You were asked to identify your favorite "faux" lawyer on TV. The votes are in and William Shatner (31%) seems to have it going on for the bare majority of you. Jason Bateman (26%) came a close second and took the silver, with Jeremy Piven grabbing Bronze (21%). Calista was a ways back (10%) with very little support for the Prosecutors of Law and Order (5%) or Nancy Grace (0%). The latter done got a whuppin' by "Other" (5%).

So anyone that wrote "other," tell us who it is and why! Just add a comment to this post.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Successful Feb 08 Maine Bar Exam Applicants Posted Today

For those of you with friends or rivals that sat for last February's Maine Bar Examination, the results are in.

Congratulations also to Kevin J. Crosman who took this Feb's Clegg Award for the highest score among the first time takers at that sitting.