Friday, April 25, 2008

Warmer Weather Work Clothes

So you're a new-ish lawyer in Maine and you've got your stock of suits . . . .etc. But it just got warmer outside people! We all know that the second the temperature rises and gives us even a glimpse of spring in our spare time the shorts go on and the hiking/running/biking/kayaking/sailing/go-carting and whatever else outdoors urge overtakes. Okay, maybe not go-carting. But then having to wear the suit or whatever else to the office each day when you're not in Court and not at a client meeting cramps your style and compromises comfort even more than usual. Not everyone has the cash to get an entire wardrobe full of "warm weather suits." So. . . gradually within the realm of acceptable the "dressed up" version of "dressy casual" starts to sneak in. . . For men -- I'd be interested to hear what the options are to dress it down a little bit. How flexible is your workplace re: clothing year round? Do rules change with the seasons? For women, is this just an area where things are always more flexible? The WSJ Juggle blog has something to say about pregnant professionals dealing with dress code problems. Sounds rough.

This area is where the non-firm lawyers have everyone beat. Maine feels like a fairly conservative place as far as firm culture goes, which is surprising given how outdoorsy people and their clients are in this state.


QuasiLaw said...

Moshun2 - Unfortunately I think the "hose" requirement that many firms have for women wearing skirts or dresses (even in summer)makes summer dressing just as uncomfortable for women as it is for men. I tend to like the trend towards more business-casual offices. However, I fear that those few who focus too heavily on the "casual" side of business-casual are stalling the trend. Perhaps firms need copies of GQ and Vogue in reception rather than Outdoor and Fly-Fishing magazines.

Anonymous said...

I'd gladly agree to wear a suit every day, all year, in exchange for the ability to not wear hose or socks from April until October. Wearing a suit makes life easier in the morning. Wearing hose does not.