Thursday, May 15, 2008

Poll 2: As "Faux" Lawyers Go, You Say Denny Crane is Tops

You were asked to identify your favorite "faux" lawyer on TV. The votes are in and William Shatner (31%) seems to have it going on for the bare majority of you. Jason Bateman (26%) came a close second and took the silver, with Jeremy Piven grabbing Bronze (21%). Calista was a ways back (10%) with very little support for the Prosecutors of Law and Order (5%) or Nancy Grace (0%). The latter done got a whuppin' by "Other" (5%).

So anyone that wrote "other," tell us who it is and why! Just add a comment to this post.


Anonymous said...

Who is Nancy Grace? Is she on Gossip Girl?

Justin B Weiss said...
She humorously introduces her guests by saying "Let's unleash the lawyers."